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  • Paolo Bacchilega's avatar
    added a parent_folder argument to get_temp_work_dir · f3dbec7b
    Paolo Bacchilega authored and Paolo Bacchilega's avatar Paolo Bacchilega committed
    2009-03-31  Paolo Bacchilega  <>
    	* src/file-utils.h: 
    	* src/file-utils.c: 
    	added a parent_folder argument to get_temp_work_dir
    	* src/fr-archive.c (fr_archive_extract_to_local): 
    	create the temp dir in the destination folder to make the mv 
    	operation faster.
    	* src/fr-command-unstuff.c: 
    	* src/fr-command-jar.c: 
    	* src/fr-window.c: 
    	* src/fr-command-cfile.c: 
    	updated calls to get_temp_work_dir
    	* src/glib-utils.h: 
    	* src/glib-utils.c: 
    	* src/fr-window.c: 
    	* src/fr-command.c: 
    	* src/fr-archive.c: 
    	* src/file-data.h: 
    	* src/file-data.c: 
    	sort the files array after getting the list and search a path using 
    	a binary search to speed up the operation.
    	Fixes bug #577389 – File roller hangs and leaks memory when file is 
    	dragged / dropped from archive
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2639