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  • Dan Winship's avatar
    change the CamelFolderSummary interfaces to allow partial summary queries · a74c859d
    Dan Winship authored
    	* camel-folder-summary.[ch]: change the CamelFolderSummary
    	interfaces to allow partial summary queries (for dealing
    	with very large folders). Remove the "extended_fields" from
    	CamelFolderInfo and CamelMessageInfo: this is better dealt
    	with by subtyping.
    	* providers/mbox/camel-mbox-summary.[ch]: Make CamelMboxSummary a
    	subclass of CamelFolderSummary. Update interfaces for that. Remove
    	the internal/external summary distinction. Remove the (unused) md5
    	checksum in the folder summary. Change the summary file format
    	(primarily to make it no longer byte-order dependent) and add a
    	version number to it so it will be easier to change in the future.
    	* providers/mbox/camel-mbox-folder.[ch]
    	* providers/mbox/camel-mbox-search.c
    	* providers/mbox/camel-mbox-utils.c: update for summary changes
    	* camel-exception-list.def: add
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2159