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  • Matthew Barnes's avatar
    Don't close base stream when destroying a CamelFilterOutputStream. · 130b1b00
    Matthew Barnes authored
    GFilterOutputStream, from which CamelFilterOutputStream is derived,
    defaults to closing its base stream when the instance is finalized.
    That makes sense in the general case, but CamelFilterOutputStreams are
    usually temporary wrappers on a more permanent base stream, so we need
    to remember to override the default "close-base-stream" property value.
    I was tempted to just make CamelFilterOutputStream override the default
    automatically, but I decided against it because my long term plan is to
    drop CamelFilterOutputStream for GConverterOutputStream which also does
    not override the "close-base-stream" default.  The closer the semantics
    of the two classes match, the easier porting will be in the future.