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  • Pablo Correa Gomez's avatar
    libview: rename EvJobThumbnail to EvJobThumbnailCairo · ced10a6c
    Pablo Correa Gomez authored and Germán Poo-Caamaño's avatar Germán Poo-Caamaño committed
    For the porting to GTK4, it is necessary to have a thumbnail based on
    a GdkTexture. However, it is also helpful to retain the older cairo
    renderer to do the transition at different paces. So instead of
    replacing the job with a one based on a textures, split it in two:
    EvJobThumbnailCairo and EvJobThumbnailTexture.
    Temporarily we are deprecating the cairo renderer, so we do not forget
    about it. Later on we can decide whether to keep it as it is and remove
    the guards, or remove the cairo renderer for good.