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Update EasyTag to current GNOME UI guidelines (fix #15)

Romain F. T. requested to merge Maoschanz2/easytag:master into master


  • Replace the titlebar/menubar/toolbar by a headerbar:
    • Most useful actions shown in the toolbar are now in the headerbar, it includes "show the scanner", "stop the current operation", "undo for file", "redo for file", "find", "save files"
    • A primary menu (aka "hamburger menu") contains most other actions (= all except those directly related to the browser)
    • The menubar is still implemented, hidden, for users of other DE with a globalmenu
    • The layout of this hidden menubar has been changed, removing the "miscellaneous" submenu and introducing a "search" submenu instead
  • Renamed "undo" and "redo" menu items, because it was very confusing to have 2 undos and 2 redos
  • Remove the appmenu when needed:
    • Only show the appmenu when the DE want it (aka only in GNOME Shell < 3.30)
    • A "help" submenu has been added to the menubar so it's still complete
  • Add a "keyboard shortcuts" overlay
  • Better tag area:
    • Put the tag area in a scrolledwindow, allowing better window resizing
    • Use symbolic icons
    • Put "year" in a dedicated row, improving usability of the year and track entries
  • Redesigned browser:
    • Better margins
    • Secondary "hamburger" menu with browser-related actions (which are now all available from the right-click anyway)
    • Better organization of the right-click menus (sections making sense, shorter submenus)
  • Updating icons of the scanner:
    • Replacing colorful icons by symbolic ones
    • Removing "mask.png" in favor of "document-edit-symbolic" for the masks editor
  • Fixing the close button of the "Find" dialog
  • Better log UX:
    • Add a "show log" action, available from the hamburger menu
    • Hide log by default, allowing better focus on the useful window content


Potential drawbacks

Concerning the building process, it fails for multiple reasons:

  • appdata-tools is not in debian repos, and is deprecated since 2014 or something like that. I "fixed" the issue on my computer by copy-pasting appdata-xml.m4 in the m4 folder, but it has not been added to the commit. Then I had to remove some lines from the makefile, if it was important, feel free to revert it
  • make still fails anyway because of the nautilus extension part, which is not what i modified. Comment it entirely if you want to test

Also, I didn't test the win32 build and the flatpak build.

From a usability point of view:

  • I removed "Go->Documents Directory" because i'm deeply convinced it didn't make sense
  • I removed some menuitems from the right-click menus (like "Find", or "[go to]Home Directory") because they didn't make sense here and were available from the headerbar or the secondary menu
  • A lot of actions (mainly in the browser) are still available from several menus to improve their discoverability

Merge request reports