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  • Alan Lawrence's avatar
    Merge in Game Mode - with thanks to Ryan Gee & Julian Applebaum! · 55507ab9
    Alan Lawrence authored
    Change BP_GAME_MODE => GameModule created/destroyed as reqd (no ModuleManager).
    Preserving GameStatistics (for now) incorporating GameScorer. Rm GameMessageIn
     & GameMessageOut, now have CMessageDisplay + can override CreateGameModule.
    Text prompts in pure virtual DrawText. Subclass CScreenGameModule renders using
     big CDasherScreen::Labels, green/red-strikethrough/black in white box,
     aiming for LP_DASHER_MARGIN space between text and Y axis. (Could be improved?)
    Misnamed WordGenerator::GenerateChunk returns phrases/lines, false=EOF=end game.
    Default FileWordGenerator parses file first to locate all line boundaries,
      then seeks to random (not-previously-chosen) line start. TODO needs srand()ing
    Game mode stats per-sentence. TODO: would be much better as part of user-trials,
     indeed user logging ought to be made a special case of game mode, as they
      have much in common (and only game mode tracks locn of target sentence atm)
    TODO No di...