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  • Will Thompson's avatar
    introspection: format property values with g_variant_print() · d5540997
    Will Thompson authored
    The main case where this helps is byte strings. GVariant has a special
    case for values of type 'ay' which end with a NUL byte and otherwise
    contain only printable ASCII characters: it prints them in the form
    b'asciistring'. UDisks and Flatpak (among others) use bytestrings of
    this form extensively for file paths, which are not guaranteed to be
    UTF-8 so cannot be represented as D-Bus type 's'.
    This does have the downside that b'foo' is also valid Python but means
    something different:
    In [2]: GLib.Variant('ay', b'abc')
    Out[2]: GLib.Variant('ay', [0x61, 0x62, 0x63])
    In [3]: GLib.Variant('ay', b'abc\0')
    Out[3]: GLib.Variant('ay', b'abc')