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  • Robert Bragg's avatar
    Separate out CoglPath api into sub-library · 8aadfd82
    Robert Bragg authored
    This splits out the cogl_path_ api into a separate cogl-path sub-library
    like cogl-pango and cogl-gst. This enables developers to build Cogl with
    this sub-library disabled if they don't need it which can be useful when
    its important to keep the size of an application and its dependencies
    down to a minimum. The functions cogl_framebuffer_{fill,stroke}_path
    have been renamed to cogl_path_{fill,stroke}.
    There were a few places in core cogl and cogl-gst that referenced the
    CoglPath api and these have been decoupled by using the CoglPrimitive
    api instead. In the case of cogl_framebuffer_push_path_clip() the core
    clip stack no longer accepts path clips directly but it's now possible
    to get a CoglPrimitive for the fill of a path and so the implementation
    of cogl_framebuffer_push_path_clip() now lives in cogl-path and works as
    a shim that first gets a CoglPrimitive and uses
    cogl_framebuffer_push_primitive_clip instead.
    We may want to consider renaming cogl_framebuffer_...