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  • Gustavo Noronha Silva's avatar
    clutter-main: start mainloop timer on clutter_init() · d7b183a4
    Gustavo Noronha Silva authored and Gustavo Noronha Silva's avatar Gustavo Noronha Silva committed
    By creating and starting the timer on clutter_main() an assumption is made
    that that is how the main loop will be run for all clutter applications.
    With more and more applications moving to GApplication, this assumption no
    longer holds true.
    Moving to clutter_init() means we are starting the timer earlier than we
    should, and by not stopping it when the main loop quits we are taking a
    measure that is later than we should. I believe it is safe to consider
    those are close enough to the actual beginning and quitting of the main
    loop in practice.