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  • Neil Roberts's avatar
    Don't use any GL types or defines in Clutter · c9a81f03
    Neil Roberts authored
    Some of the Clutter code was using GL types for the primitive types
    such as GLint and GLubyte and then passing these to Cogl. This doesn't
    make much sense because the Cogl functions directly take native C
    types. This patch just replaces them with either a native C type or a
    glib type.
    Some of the cogl conformance tests are trying to directly call GL for
    example to test creating a foreign texture. These tests have been
    changed to manually define the GL enum values instead of relying on a
    GL header to define them.
    This is necessary because Cogl may soon stop including a GL header
    from its public headers.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarEmmanuele Bassi <>