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  • Neil Roberts's avatar
    Applied patch from bug #947 · b887bddb
    Neil Roberts authored
    	* clutter/clutter-stage.c (clutter_stage_get_default): Don't grab
    	the floating reference when creating the default stage. The stage
    	manager will take a reference to it so it will behave as any other
    	(clutter_stage_new): Don't take the floating reference to the new
    	stage but let the stage manager keep it instead.
    	* clutter/clutter-stage-manager.c
    	(_clutter_stage_manager_add_stage): Take a reference to the stage
    	when it is added to the list.
    	(_clutter_stage_manager_remove_stage): Unref the stage when it is
    	removed from the list.
    	(clutter_stage_manager_dispose): Keep track of the 'next' pointer
    	as a separate variable so we can cope when the stage being
    	destroyed removes itself from the list as the list is being
    	* clutter/clutter-actor.c (clutter_actor_destroy): Take a
    	reference at the beginning of the function even if there is no
    	parent container so that overall the reference count is not
    	changed when the actor is unref'd again at the bottom of the
    	function. Previously it would have a net effect of leaving the
    	reference count alone unless it is a top level actor in which case
    	it would unref it.