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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    drag-action: Allow using settings for the drag threshold · 82a30d8e
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    ClutterDragAction should be able to use the newly added ClutterSettings
    property exposing the system's drag threshold.
    Currently, the x-drag-threshold and the y-drag-threshold properties (and
    relative accessors) use an unsigned integer for their values; we should
    be able to safely expand the range to include -1 as the minimum value,
    and use this new value to tell the ClutterDragAction that it should query
    the ClutterSettings object for the drag threshold.
    The storage of the properties has been changed, albeit in a compatible
    way, as GObject installs a uint  int transformation function for GValue
    The setter for the drag thresholds has been changes to use a signed
    integer, but the getter has been updated to always Do The Right Thing™:
    it never returns -1 but, instead, will return the valid drag threshold,
    either from the value set or from the Settings singleton.
    This change is ABI compatible.