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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    2007-10-25 Emmanuele Bassi <> · 6c01499a
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    	* clutter/
    	* clutter/clutter.h:
    	* clutter/clutter-scriptable.[ch]: Add the ClutterScriptable
    	interface; by implementing this interface, a class can
    	override the UI definition parsing and transform complex data
    	types into GObject properties, or allow custom properties.
    	* clutter/clutter-script.c:
    	* clutter/clutter-script-parser.c:
    	* clutter/clutter-script-private.h: Rearrange the code and
    	use the ClutterScriptable interface to parse and build the
    	custom properties. This cleans up the code and also it makes
    	it more reliable (the complex type parsing is now done using
    	the target type and not just the name of the property).