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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    Clean up the windowing system defines · 8249e488
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    Instead of defining new symbols for the windowing systems enabled at
    configure time, we can reuse the same symbols for both the compile time
    and run time checks, e.g.:
      #ifdef CLUTTER_WINDOWING_X11
        if (clutter_check_windowing_backend (CLUTTER_WINDOWING_X11))
          /* use the clutter_x11_* API */
        if (clutter_check_windowing_backend (CLUTTER_WINDOWING_WIN32))
          /* use the clutter_win32_* API */
    This scheme allows us to ensure that the input system namespace is free
    for us to use and select at run time in later versions of Clutter.