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  • Xavier de Blas's avatar · e7a3982c
    Xavier de Blas authored
    -controls changed
    -RunAnalysis now in multiChronopic treeview
    -if changed to simulated, disconnected all serial ports
    -info included in sessionLoad
    -info included in showAllPersonEvents
    +4 cps are graphed (untested)
    +shown "cp1", "cp2", ...
    +eventExecuteWin, when a cp has event, painted discont lines for rest of cps
    +sync message done
    +done update
    +done treeview add
    +shown only needed cols (depending on num cps on db at that session, also manages ok Add with != cps)
    +unselectable users on treeview mc
    +show treeview mc first line
    +done edit, delete, showHideActionButtons,
    +sqlite update, sqlite delete
    +zoom done
    optimization on treeview run interval loading of data with variableDistancesString (less SQL calls)
    created gui/multiChronopic.cs