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  • Xavier de Blas's avatar preferences: -db: 0.59 (added angle to show angle to preferences · f3b08af0
    Xavier de Blas authored
    	-db: 0.59 (added angle to show angle to preferences database and
    	jump.angle is now double)
    	previous db version has commented the line:
    	"SqlitePreferences.Update ("databaseVersion", "0.58", true);" check if
    	there are problems on new conversion
    	-now is a notebook with three pages
    	-added show angle
    	gui changes in main window:
    	-treeview events are more compact now. zoom, edit, repair, delete icons are little now
    	and are at right.
    	-there is only one zoom button now (press z) that rolls in two or
    	three states
    	-added accelerators to right icons
    	-on treeview events, sorted by name of person instead of uniqueID
    	-create new type (jump or run) is now a button on treeviews
    	Improvements on treeviews and edit event:
    	-edit event shows time, tc, tf with all decimals for not triming and
    	do different calculations on eg. jump height, after accept
    	-Fast addition to descriptions: edit event default focus is in description now an entry (not
    	textview)(to allow a fast writing), and enter does "accept"
    	-edit events updates only it's line (if owner is the same). Now it's
    	easy to add comments
    	-selection of treeviews: jumpsRj, runsI, pulses, now only selects the
    	first line. "edit this", and "delete this".. changed to "selected"
    	-fixed bug treeviewjump, and rj shows now weight in kg if wanted
    	-fixed bug on simulated and person weight on jump, jumpRj treeviews
    	-edit jump manages better the sensitiveness on jump type (weight) changing
    	-treeviewshows angle
    	-on edit event, hiden accept if values are not correct instead not allow writing
    	-fixed bug in edit simulated events, they crash on reading "xxx
    	simulated" as int
    	-session add/edit now removes tilde and colon on entries and textview
    	export and report:
    	-fixed bug: now person weight and sport is ok
    	-now titles like "runs" only appear if there are runs
    	-simulated is printed as "No" or "Yes" with Util.NoYes
    	-newline is removed on descriptions (if not, creates new line in spreadsheet)
    	-added angle on jumps
    	more/last button on treeview runs now at side of tests (like other treeviews)
    	added again crash button to flush data on log
    	-fixed bug in treeviews events, the select-show-combo didn't worked
    	-changed "All jumps", runs, pulses to Constants...
    	kneeAngle: 1.4 lots of changes:
    	-adaptative threshold (solves problems with holes close to the
    	clothes) initial minimum threshold depends on brightness
    	-only validation points mode
    	-allow forward, fastForward, 
    	-auto end before jump
    	-paint at different color, other holes
    	-toePointWidth better (done only at first)
    	-detection on skin started with small white markers surrounded by
    	black rectangle (see onlyValidationSkin)
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=424