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  • Xavier de Blas's avatar
    report (doing task 295) · 39f52578
    Xavier de Blas authored
    - widget make report done
    - class report.cs done (added src/report.cs)
    - button "add to report" added on stats widget (added src/gui/report.cs). It comunicates with report.cs
    - doing: select the file and print the report, and show some "ok" info (inherites from exportSession).
    -pending: manage how stats and graphs classes print in HTML
    exportSession record runs and runsInterval
    All widgets (except app1, jumps_runs_more, stats_window, report_window) converted to "dialog type", now they cannot be hided under main window. Changed the "modal" value to "No" in stats_window and report_window, now they can be loaded all time (and work normal in the others)
    fixed bug in graphs, global indexesQ, and fv in multisession when in a session there is no data