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calls-ringer: Don't restart when feedback got ended explicitly

Guido Günther requested to merge guidog/calls:break-ringer-restart into main

If a user e.g. lowers the gobal feedback level we don't want to retrigger the events.

Without this calls assumes events ended naturally and restarts the ringing without any events. As that is never ended even subsequent calls don't receive any ringing.

The problem can be reproduced by using feedbackd from ,

  • fbcli -P full
  • starting calls with -p dummy
  • pkill -SIGUSR1 gnome-calls
  • while ringing: fbcli -P silent
  • hanging up
  • fbcli -P full
  • pkill -SIGUSR1 gnome-calls
  • observe that there is no ringing

Do the same with this patch and the last step will have ringing.

@devrtz as I'm not in the details of the ringer a review would be nice.

Merge request reports
