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  • Aaron Bockover's avatar
    NOTE: A new configuration system has been added. With this change also · ef03b1b5
    Aaron Bockover authored
    2006-12-23  Aaron Bockover  <>
    NOTE: A new configuration system has been added. With this change also
    comes a reorganization of the GConf keys. Keys are organized into
    namespaces and also are now correctly formatted (under_cased and not
    CamelCased). As such, all old settings will be lost. A migration path
    will be introduced before the next release, but be warned if using CVS
    from here until 0.11.4 - your settings will not be migrated until otherwise
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Configuration/ConfigurationClient.cs: new static
    top-level configuration API that is platform agnostic
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Configuration/GConfConfigurationClient.cs: GConf
    backend to new configuration API
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Configuration/IConfigurationClient.cs: Interface
    for configuration backends
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Configuration/SchemaEntry.cs: Generic structure
    representing a configuration setting. Should be defined as public static
    readonly instances in classes so GConf schema XML files can be generated
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Configuration.Schema/ImportSchema.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.Configuration.Schema/LibrarySchema.cs: Define
    lots of namespaced configuration settings (SchemaEntry<T>)
    * src/TrackViewColumnWindow.cs: Column window using new TrackViewColumn API
    * src/Basnhee.TrackView.Columns/*: Added TrackViewColumn base column
    implementation that extends Gtk.TreeViewColumn and specific column
    implementations extending TrackViewColumn. Each column implementation
    handles its own configuration, sorting, and rendering.
    * src/Banshee.Base/DBusRemote.cs: NameReply changed to RequestNameReply
    in managed DBus 0.3.0
    * src/Banshee.Base/BatchTranscoder.cs: Return if the batch_queue is empty,
    avoids a possible nullref
    * src/Banshee.Base/Gui/FileChooserDialog.cs: FileChooserDialog that
    automatically restores/sets the last folder URI
    * src/Banshee.Base/Gui/ImageFileChooserDialog.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/FolderImportSource.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/FileImportSource.cs: Use the new Banshee
    * src/Banshee.Base/GConfKeys.cs: Removed
    * src/Banshee.Base/Globals.cs: Removed old GConf client
    * src/Banshee.Base/StringUtil.cs: Added CamelCaseToUnderCase
    * src/Banshee.Plugins/Audioscrobbler/AudioscrobblerPlugin.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Plugins/Daap/DaapCore.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Plugins/Daap/DaapPlugin.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Plugins/MMKeys/MMKeysPlugin.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Plugins/MetadataSearch/MetadataSearchPlugin.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Plugins/NotificationAreaIcon/NotificationAreaIconConfigPage.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Gui/OpenLocationDialog.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Gui/PreferencesDialog.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Gui/TrackEditor.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/IO/IOProxy.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Plugins/Plugin.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Plugins/PluginCore.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Plugins/PluginDialog.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Sources/AbstractPlaylistSource.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Sources/LibrarySource.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/StreamTagger.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/PlayerEngineCore.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/LibraryTrackInfo.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/Library.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/FileNamePattern.cs:
    * src/Banshee.Base/AudioCdRipper.cs:
    * src/PlayerInterface.cs: Use the new Banshee.Configuration APIs, getting
    and setting configuration from SchemaEntry<T> objects
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.AudioProfiles/ProfileConfiguration.cs:
    Use the new configuration APIs to get the base key
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.AudioProfiles/ProfileManager.cs: Place
    document.Load inside try/catch, dump exception if it occurs (useful if
    profile XML is invalid)
    * src/Banshee.Base/Banshee.AudioProfiles/Pipeline.cs:
    Added GetPendingProcessesById, CompileProcess(Process), AddProcess(Process)
    methods and allow defining multiple pipeline processes with the same id
    using an order attribute. This allows for defining various pipelines for
    a single process, the first pipeline that compiles will be used.
    * src/PlaylistView.cs: Use new columns, cleaned up lots of code
    * src/ Added new files, include new auto-schema ru
    * banshee.mds: Updated
    * build/Common.Makefile: Added MONO_BASE_PATH and LINK_BANSHEE_BASE
    * build/ Build GConfSchemaExtractor.cs
    * build/GConfSchemaExtractor.cs: Creates a GConf schema XML file from
    assemblies containing SchemaEntry<T> objects
    * build/gconf-schema-rules: include file with rule for
    automatically generating and installing schemas from assemblies
    * data/audio-profiles/*.xml: Updated
    * dbus-sharp/*: Updated to 0.3.0
    * data/
    * data/ Removed old manual schemas
    * Manually copy mkinstalldirs if it wasn't copied by automake