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  • Mike Gorse's avatar
    Use atspi_is_initialized to decide whether to expose p2p connection · 683739de
    Mike Gorse authored
    Previously, direct D-Bus connections were not exposed if AT_SPI_CLIENT
    was set in the environment, since they are causing deadlock if the
    application and the AT are in the same process. However, AT_SPI_CLIENT
    was only being set by pyatspi, meaning that libatspi consumers not using
    pyatspi (Javascript embedded in gnome-shell that uses the libatspi
    introspection bindings directly, for instance) would still have problems
    when attempting to inspect their own accessibles.
    Also removed the code in event.c to disable main loop context switching
    when AT_SPI_CLIENT was set. Modifying it to also check
    atspi_is_initialized would cause deadlock with gnome-shell when Orca is
    running. Hopefully that code is not needed anymore.