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  • Johannes Schmid's avatar
    Use GtkComboBox instead of (deprecated) GtkOptionMenu and fixed broken · b3149b03
    Johannes Schmid authored
    2007-08-31  Johannes Schmid <>
    	* libanjuta/anjuta-preferences.c: (get_object_type_from_string),
    	(get_property_value_as_string), (set_property_value_as_string),
    	(register_callbacks), (preferences_foreach_callback),
    	* libanjuta/anjuta-preferences.h:
    	* plugins/build-basic-autotools/build-basic-autotools.c:
    	* plugins/document-manager/
    	* plugins/message-view/
    	Use GtkComboBox instead of (deprecated) GtkOptionMenu and fixed
    	broken message view preferences
    	* plugins/message-view/message-view.c:
    	(message_view_instance_init), (pref_change_color), (prefs_init),
    	Cleaned up message view (#458041)
    	* src/shell.c: (on_preferences_activate),
    	(anjuta_test_shell_get_plugin_manager), (anjuta_shell_iface_init):
    	Fixed test shell to allow better debugging
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=3082
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