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  • Massimo Cora's avatar
    Don't let buffer-updating files which are not in current project. · 7f33996f
    Massimo Cora authored
    	* plugins/symbol-db/plugin.c (do_add_new_files),
    	(do_import_system_src_after_abort), (on_scan_end_manager):
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine-core.c
    	Don't let buffer-updating files which are not in current project.
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine-core.h:
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine-iterator-node.c
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine-iterator-node.h:
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine-iterator.h:
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine-priv.h:
    	* plugins/symbol-db/symbol-db-engine.h:
    	some minor headers fixes. 
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=4480
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