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  • Naba Kumar's avatar
    Added two new prject attributes: project.config.blocked and · 109b017d
    Naba Kumar authored
    	* src/project_config.h, project_config.c,
    	  src/project_dbase.h, project_dbase.h
    	  Added two new prject attributes: project.config.blocked and
    	  project.excluded.modules. The former will make sure that users
    	  are not given any previlidge in enabling the 'overwrite build
    	  files' flags and the later issues a list of modules in the project
    	  to be skipped for symbol browsing and project listing.
    	*, scripts/, scripts/
    	  Modified script to read the template from the anjuta data dir
    	  rather than from the directory in which the script exist. Otherwise,
    	  Being transfered to the bin dir, the script will not be able to
    	  find the template when it is run.
    	  The script is also create with to set in the anjuta
    	  data dir path inside the script.
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