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  • Gwyneth Morgan's avatar
    games: Update src/ script for new game filenames · feefcfe1
    Gwyneth Morgan authored and Christian Persch's avatar Christian Persch committed
    The guide for adding new games, games/README, instructs developers to
    run src/ in order to update the list of game names in
    src/game-names.h. However, since the games were renamed from "_" to "-"
    in a4efa141 (guile: Canonicalise filenames, 2011-11-30), the script has
    not been updated to handle the new filenames, and outputs like this:
      /* Translators: this string is the name of a game of patience.
       If there is an established standard name for this game in your
       locale, use that; otherwise you can translate this string
       freely, literally, or not at all, at your option.
    Fix that, and exclude api.scm and card-monkey.scm so they don't have to
    be removed manually.
    Fixes: #965