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  • Íñigo Huguet's avatar
    all: use "x-vpn-challenge(-echo):" hints and "ForceEcho" in dialogs · b45ecc16
    Íñigo Huguet authored
    When using the auth dialog, nmcli and other agents reject using as
    secrets values without "IsSecret=true" option. Because of this, the
    value entered by the user as challenge-response was ignored with the
    "echo" mode enabled: because we were setting "IsSecret=false" to make
    the input visible.
    Instead of that, send a new "ForceEcho" option that is recognized by
    nmcli and other agents since NM 1.46.
    Additionally, prefix the "challenge-response" hint with
    "x-vpn-challenge(-echo):" to make nmcli recognizing this request as the
    2nd step of a 2FA authentication in all cases, avoiding to request the
    password twice. This is also supported since NM 1.46.
    This change is backwards compatible for clients that uses the
    auth-dialog method to get the list of secrets to require: they pass the
    hints to nm-openvpn-auth-dialog and it will understand the new
    "x-vpn-challenge*" tags. These clients won't understand the new
    ForceEcho but they will just ignore it.
    This is not backwards compatible with clients that, instead of the
    auth-method or as fallback, uses the hints directly. This has been
    tested with nmcli, nmtui, nm-applet and GNOME control center. All of
    them are compatible or patched to be compatible.