App Icon Redesign
The current application icon guidelines are outdated.
Developers making applications for GNOME should not have to undertake more work to target our platform than they do others (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, etc.) by having to provide extra icon assets for small, low-resolution icon sizes.
As such, to avoid developers having to put in the effort on them, the 16x16, 24x24, 32x32 & 48x48
icon sizes will be deprecated in favour of symbolic icons and a single, scalable, high resolution application icon. These new application icons will be in vector (SVG) format to better suit scalability.
- Update the icons portion of the Human Interface Guidelines
- Update core apps with new icons acc. to this HIG
- Suggest updates to a wider application ecosystem (Inkscape, GIMP, Blender...)
- Update icon assets to use package name, e.g.
- Improve rendering in gtk
- gnome-devel-docs
- core apps
People in charge & contact
- Tobias Bernard (@bertob)
- Lapo Calamandrei (@calamandrei)
- Sam Hewitt (@snwh)
- Jakub Steiner (@jimmac)
Contact us in #gnome-design
Instructions to achieve the goals
Label for tracking the initiative
9. Initiative: AppIconRedesign
Text for the initiative issue in projects
icon: update app icon
- GNOME 3.32 redesign of app icons.
for more info.
/label ~"9. Initiative: AppIconRedesign"
List of projects & tasks
Core Apps:
Baobab -
Books -
Boxes -
Calculator -
Calendar -
Contacts -
Characters -
Clocks -
Disks -
Documents -
Document Viewer (Evince) -
Web -
Archive Manager (File Roller) -
Fonts -
Text Editor (Gedit) -
Image Viewer (EOG) -
Help -
Logs -
Maps -
Music -
Files -
Notes -
Photos -
Screenshots -
Passwords (Seahorse) -
System Settings -
Software -
System Monitor -
Terminal -
Videos -
Tweaks -
Builder -
Calls -
Character Map (won't build in Builder) -
Chatty -
Cheese -
D-Feet -
Dconf Editor -
Devhelp -
Dictionary -
Fractal -
Games (won't build in Builder) -
Geary -
Glade -
Gitg -
Gnome Commander -
Keysign -
nm-connection-editor -
Pitivi -
Polari -
Podcasts -
Recipes -
Sound Recorder -
Simple Scan -
Sysprof -
Todo -
Translation Editor -
2048 -
AisleRiot (won't build in Builder) -
Chess -
Five or More (won't build in Builder) -
Four-in-a-row -
Iagno -
Hitori -
Lights Off -
Mahjongg -
Mines -
Nibbles -
Quadrapassel -
Robots -
Sudoku -
Swell Foop -
Tali -
Taquin -
Third Party
Authenticator -
Blender -
Eolie -
Deja Dup -
Drawing Pad -
Fragments -
Galacritty -
Gajim -
Gcolor3 -
Gimp -
Shortwave (formerly Gradio) -
Inkscape -
King's Cross -
Liferea -
Lollypop -
Marker -
Mypaint -
Meld -
Network Displays -
Passbook -
Password Safe -
Peek -
PDF Slicer -
Remotely -
Rhythmbox -
Syncthing GTK -
Teleport -
Tilix -
Transmission -
How can I help
- Making app developers aware of the initiative
- Designing icons for other third-party apps (best to check with the design team before submitting MRs)
Edited by Tobias Bernard