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draft: Add Metadata Editing Support

Hello! This merge requests add supports to edit the metadata of documents in Papers. The fields that can be modified as of now are:

  • Title
  • Author
  • Subject
  • Creator
  • Producer
  • Modification Date
  • Creation Date
  • Keywords


It is still missing the feature to save the modified properties but I still have some questions regarding how the interface proposed in #311 should be implemented.

  1. The metadata window should still be the same as the PropertiesWindow? Or should we introduce a new dialog?
  2. When modifying the metadata, should we prevent the user from closing the window/application? Since in the sketch the save/save as/discard options are shown directly in the dialog I'm guessing this is not the case.
  3. The interface for adding/removing keywords. I was thinking about doing the same implementation as in Paper Clip, but I came across a nice widget to add tags in the Adwaita demo which might be worth exploring:
Adwaita Demo Paper Clip
imagen imagen

Also, I noticed that the update-rust-bindings modified a bunch of other files that I didn't intend to, I committed them to avoid breaking something accidentally, I don't think all of those changes belong to this MR. Should I put them in a separate MR, or should I just include some files in specific?

Thanks :)

Closes #311

Merge request reports
