Style quad tree problem
Submitted by an unknown user
Link to original bug (#706889)
Assume a large sheet of size 64kx1M. Colour the entire column A red. The quad tree is split like this:
A1:XFD1048576: type ptr-matrix
A1:FAN65536: type ptr-matrix
A1:SR4096: type ptr-matrix
A1:BL256: type ptr-matrix
A1:H16: type col
I1:P16: type simple
Q1:X16: type simple
i.e., we have 1M/16=64k "col" blocks on top of each other. Next to those we have 15 rows of 64k "simple" blocks. (To the right of that we have 15 rows where the tiles are 256x256 -- much better. Then 15 rows of 4096x4096 tiles.)
It's a testament to the quality of the sheet-style.c code that things don't grind to an immediate halt under this load! But see bug 699045 for a case where the monster did escape.
Version: git master