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snap: point communitheme at Yaru via symlinks or theme inheritance

This merge request replaces communitheme with references to the Yaru theme. In particular:

  1. The share/themes/Communitheme directory contains symlinks to the Yaru GTK theme.
  2. Same for the GTK 2 theme in share/gtk2/Communitheme
  3. An empty icon theme is provided at share/icons/communitheme whose index.theme says to use icons from Yaru.
  4. The same for the Suru icon theme

This last one should also get rid of errors from snap like:

main.go:192: cannot change mount namespace of snap "iagno" according to change mount (/snap/gtk-common-themes/794/share/icons/Suru /snap/iagno/26/data-dir/icons/Suru none bind,ro 0 0): cannot use "/snap/gtk-common-themes/794/share/icons/Suru" as bind-mount source: not a directory

Merge request reports