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  • Christopher Davis's avatar
    Widgetcraft Part 2: Electric Boogaloo · 026f062f
    Christopher Davis authored
    Complete overhaul of how widgets are handled in Trumpet.
    * `main.ui` has been broken into different components
    * Each major component has a corresponding .rs file in `widgets`
    * Composite widgets use their children as struct fields,
    with the "container" being public
    * The `ApplicationWindow` is not created with `gtk::Builder`,
    but in `` and major widgets are added to it.
    * Steps have been taken toward multi-threading with spawning a
    thread to authorize the application
    * The `connect` module is gone, and callbacks are set up within
    the individual widgets' creation process.
    * New view switcher patterns have been implemented for both
    desktop and mobile interface.