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  • Ell's avatar
    app: add "Readjust" function to transform-grid tools · 5055dd10
    Ell authored
    Add an optional GimpTransformGridTool::radjust() virtual function,
    which subclasses can implement to radjust the transformation based
    on the current state of the display, such that it's easy to
    control.  This is especially useful when the image is zoomed-in,
    and the transform handles, which are initially across the layer
    bounds, are out of view.
    When a transform tool implements radjust(), show a "Readjust"
    button in the tool GUI.  While readjusting the transformation, we
    modify the opposite transformation such that the overall transform
    remains unchanged, as if both transform-directions were linked, so
    that only the transform grid is readjusted.